As we went trick-or-treating from house to house that night, Mike and I were amazed how popular the boys were in their costumes. Everywhere we went, we could hear kids calling out, “Look! Angry Birds!”, “Hi, Black Angry Bird!” Two people stopped us to ask if they could take a picture of Caleb, and a couple of kids randomly came up to Aidan and gave him high fives on his costume. Needless to say, the boys enjoyed the attention. I remember Aidan smiling at me and saying, “Mommy, everyone knows me!”
Monday, December 12, 2011
Trick or Treat 2011
As we went trick-or-treating from house to house that night, Mike and I were amazed how popular the boys were in their costumes. Everywhere we went, we could hear kids calling out, “Look! Angry Birds!”, “Hi, Black Angry Bird!” Two people stopped us to ask if they could take a picture of Caleb, and a couple of kids randomly came up to Aidan and gave him high fives on his costume. Needless to say, the boys enjoyed the attention. I remember Aidan smiling at me and saying, “Mommy, everyone knows me!”
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Caleb's Preschool Halloween Party 2011
As Caleb marched around the parking lot with Aidan and his class, he started to get upset…Over the past few days Aidan had been telling him that when he wore his Halloween costume that people would be giving him lots of candy. So there he was for the first time in his costume, and there was no candy in sight being handed out. Caleb found this quite disappointing. Yin-Yin and I told him that even though there was no candy being handed out, that it was so special that he was part of a Halloween parade. Unfortunately, that didn’t seem to pull Caleb out of his grumpy disappointment, so he whined to go back into the school and take off his costume. Luckily, his class’s Halloween party came next and Caleb’s spirits were quickly lifted as he enjoyed the Halloween themed craft project, food, and songs. And then at the end of the party, all the kids sat in a circle and passed out Halloween party favors and treats to each other! This was definitely the part of the party that Caleb enjoyed the most!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Aidan's Kindergarten Halloween
He looked really cute, and loved showing his “Angry Bird face” for the class picture.
I didn’t realize how stuffed he was though in his costume until his teacher called out to the students, “Boys and Girls, if you can hear me then clap your hands three times!” I then heard Aidan cry out to his teacher, “I can’t clap my hands together!” It was pretty funny! His costume was so stuffed with the packing peanuts that he literally could not bring his hands together to clap. And when the teacher asked the kids to have a seat on the floor, it turned out that he was also so stuffed that he could not easily sit down either! So while the rest of the class sat on the floor, Aidan’s teacher let him sit in a chair while they waited to get ready to line-up for the Halloween school parade.
Then they sat in the grass for pictures and to watch the rest of the other grades march by. It was pretty funny to watch Aidan basically fall backwards in order to achieve sitting in the grass. After the parade came the Halloween class party.
I took Aidan out of his costume during the class party so that he could use his hands to eat the snacks and do the Halloween arts and crafts project. Once the class party was finished, both Aidan and I were excited because instead of needing to ride the bus home, he was allowed to come home with me. Yay!
Friday, December 9, 2011
Kindergarten Pumpkin Patch Field Trip 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Pumpkin Carving
Every year after hollowing out the pumpkins with the kids, Mike and I like to try to surprise the boys with their own jack-o-lanterns before Halloween.
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2009 Jack-O-Lanterns |
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2010 Jack-O-Lanterns |
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Pumpkin Scooping Day 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Butler's Ochard 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Happy Birthday Nerf Daddy!
Mike really enjoyed this gift! In fact, you can often hear him and Caleb singing it occasionally around the house (it is really funny!). As for Caleb and I, we made a peach pie for Daddy’s birthday later in the week. Happy Birthday Daddy! We love you!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Aidan's First Piano Show/Recital

On September 25th, Aidan had his first piano show/recital. I was not only a proud Mommy that day, but also a proud piano teacher.
Since Aidan is the only piano student that I am currently teaching in my spare time, it was interesting coming up with a piano program that featured only him (usually you see something like that for a senior piano recital, but not typically a child’s first piano recital). Aidan insisted that even though he was playing piano, he wanted his first piano show to be fun. So with that idea in mind, we came up with this piano program and Mike did a terrific job making programs:

Everything that Aidan chose to do for his piano show program I felt comfortable with, except for the violin and turtle puppet parts. Aidan had only been taking violin lessons with me for 2 months and I honestly wasn’t sure if his first violin piece would be ready in time for his piano show (there was a lot of screeching coming out of that violin beforehand). Aidan, however, was determined to surprise everyone at his show that he could also play the violin too. He was also determined that his puppet friend, Mr. Turtle, also be at his first piano show (whenever Aidan is finding a certain music skill or concept difficult to practice, he is often cheered up and made to laugh by his puppet friend, Mr. Turtle…brought to life by me :P). I honestly think I have terrible puppet skills and cringed at the thought of having our family witness it during Aidan’s first piano show, but I love my little boy….so how could I refuse?
Aidan felt so special having his first piano show in one of the biggest studios at Mommy’s workplace (Levine School of Music) with a Steinway grand piano for him to perform on…oh, la, la! On the day of the show, we arrived early into the studio to practice while Mike and Yeh-Yeh set up the chairs, as well as a table with a variety of cookies that Mommy and Yin-Yin had baked during the week. They also decorated the room with a few music balloons for the kids to take home after the show.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Aidan's 1st Day of Kindergarten (afternoon)
On their desks Mike and I also gave each of them a wrapped book that we signed with a message. For dinner that night, mom made one of Aidan’s favorite meals, meatloaf with mashed potatoes. At bedtime, Mike read the new books to the boys. Then we reminded Aidan how important it was to listen at school, especially so that he could get home on his bus. Later that night, I told Mike that it is hard for a teacher to remember the names of all the kids in the class on the first day of school, but I was pretty sure that after today she knew who my kid was. The next day Aidan made it on the bus after school and came home very proud himself!
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Aidan's 1st Day of Kindergarten (morning)
This school year marked Aidan’s beginning into the public school system as he started Kindergarten. As his mom, it was really sad knowing that on the weekdays I wouldn’t see him from 9am – 3:45pm. Knowing that the school (friends, teachers, etc….) is going to be playing a huge influence in his life now is a scary thing for me since I’ve been the major influence in his life for these first 5 years. I guess kids aren’t the only ones that have problems sharing…so do parents. Aidan was definitely excited to start Kindergarten. The night before his first day of Kindergarten we decided to interview him with some fun questions to mark this big milestone in his life and remember what kind of kid he was.
Then the morning of his first day of Kindergarten came. Mike took the morning off from work and mom baked banana bread with chocolate chips that morning for breakfast. For his lunchbox, Aidan asked to have cereal in his “Cereal to Go” cup along with some fresh blueberries, a juice box, and sugar snap peas. In addition to having lunch, the Kindergarteners at Aidan’s school also need to pack a small healthy snack. So Aidan chose to have pretzels. Then it was time to get ready to go and take pictures! We took pictures of Aidan all the way to the bus stop. Luckily Aidan wasn’t riding the bus by himself for the first time. He neighbor friend, Ashley, was also riding the bus with him and was starting her first day of second grade. So it was comforting for me to know that he would have an older school friend looking out for him. Aidan was thrilled to hear from Ashley that he didn’t have to buckle his seatbelt on the bus and that he could choose to sit in any seat he wanted (he hates buckling his seatbelt in the car). After giving Aidan a kiss, the bus soon showed up. Aidan was obviously excited because he ran and boarded the bus without even looking back. Caleb tried to go on the bus with Aidan too, but I had told Dad earlier to be ready to grab him in case he tried. So as Aidan’s bus pulled away, Dad held Caleb as he yelled, “Aidan! I want bus!” Caleb loves his brother so much. As we all waved goodbye to Aidan on the bus, I felt the tears coming to my eyes. But I fought the tears back as we headed to our car to meet him at the school.
We parked and arrived at the school just as Aidan’s bus was unloading. I ran ahead and was able to tell him to have a good day and that I loved him before the staff ushered him into the school. Then it was back into the car to go home. I probably made it 15 min. in the house without crying, but soon after the tears began to flow, so I hid in the office crying for a bit. Poor Mike didn’t want to go to work until he knew I was going to be o.k. He even tried to cheer me up by jokingly offering me a third kid if I wanted (He’s so sweet!). Even though time will tell if I will take him up on that offer, the joke worked and I felt much better.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Father's Day Champagne Sunday Brunch
One of the things that Mike wanted to do to celebrate his Father’s Day was eat at the “Champagne Sunday Brunch” at our hotel (The Eden Resorts & Suites). He had read so many great reviews online about the food that it seemed like a good idea. Wrong! It was a GREAT idea! The Champagne Sunday Brunch is like entering brunch world. Everything you could possibly imagine to eat for brunch was in the room. At first I was annoyed that we had to make reservations for brunch the day before, but when I saw how amazing the brunch spread was I totally understood. First of all, the room is beautiful. For a minute you feel like you are walking into someone’s wedding reception. The staff is dressed in formal attire, lots of lights are hanging from the ceiling, piano music is playing, there’s a large fountain, and there are many stations filled with food!
When you walk into the room you are seated by the hostess at a table where your waiter comes and gets your drink orders. Then it’s off to the brunch smorgasbord! I literally had to keep reminding Aidan that he should pick 4 things to go on his plate, because after he was done he could always come back and get more. Aidan had a lot fun going back and forth from the buffet. As we ate brunch we commented at how many stations there were in the room: pastries, pasta, fruits & cheeses, desserts, beef carving, pancakes & waffles, omelet, breads & muffins, etc… It was truly a jaw-dropping array of food. What a way to celebrate Father’s Day!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Day Out with Thomas the Train
On the last day of our Father’s Day Pennsylvania trip we went to the Strasburg Railroad to ride Thomas the Train, and then we went back to our hotel to have brunch at the famous “Champagne Sunday Brunch”. Since Caleb really likes trains, Mike and I were excited to take him to the Strasburg Railroad. When you buy a ticket to ride Thomas the Train it tells you on the ticket that you should arrive 1 hour before your ride. Arriving 1 hour ahead of time is a good idea if you want to park and see some of the other things the Strasburg Railroad has to offer before your ride (food tents, other fun railroad rides, pictures with Thomas the Train, etc…) But if you prefer to ride first then sightsee after, like we did, you could arrive half an hour before your ride time and still make it. We arrived at the Strasburg Railroad in the late morning and I was surprised and thrilled to see a long line-up of food tents there. I love trying out food from food tents! We quickly got our pictures with Thomas the Train and then headed over to the Mini Fried Donuts tent. There was nothing better that morning than fresh, hot cinnamon & sugar mini donuts with hazelnut coffee. Yummmm! We then got in line to ride on Thomas the Train. The kids really enjoyed riding the train. However, if we were to visit again, I would not buy the overpriced tickets for riding Thomas the train and purchase instead a regular train ticket. Our boys enjoyed waving to Thomas pass by on the railroad track more than riding him. Once they were on the train, they couldn’t see Thomas anymore and thus it just became a regular train ride. When our train ride was over we headed over to another food tent to buy some smoothies and an Italian Sausage. It was so good that I stopped sharing with Mike and bought one of my own. Next we did a few rides and then visited the gift shop to buy some souvenirs. It was a fun morning, and we would have stayed longer (definitely to try out some more food tents) but we needed to make our brunch reservation at the Champagne Buffet and save some room in our stomachs.