Sunday, December 11, 2011

Caleb's Preschool Halloween Party 2011

Caleb’s Preschool Halloween parade and class party were held the morning of Halloween day. As it turned out, Aidan didn’t have school that day, so he got to come with us to Caleb’s preschool. I didn’t want to have to stuff two birds that morning (Hee, hee! That part sounded funny just writing it!), so I asked Aidan if he would be o.k. with waiting to wear his costume later that evening when we went trick-or-treating. Aidan said that it was fine with him, because he wanted to use his hands to play his Nintendo DS. When we got to Caleb’s preschool, I stuffed his costume full of packing peanuts to help it fit him better. Then he held Aidan’s hand as he and his class marched around the preschool parking lot (They looked so cute together!).

As Caleb marched around the parking lot with Aidan and his class, he started to get upset…Over the past few days Aidan had been telling him that when he wore his Halloween costume that people would be giving him lots of candy. So there he was for the first time in his costume, and there was no candy in sight being handed out. Caleb found this quite disappointing. Yin-Yin and I told him that even though there was no candy being handed out, that it was so special that he was part of a Halloween parade. Unfortunately, that didn’t seem to pull Caleb out of his grumpy disappointment, so he whined to go back into the school and take off his costume. Luckily, his class’s Halloween party came next and Caleb’s spirits were quickly lifted as he enjoyed the Halloween themed craft project, food, and songs. And then at the end of the party, all the kids sat in a circle and passed out Halloween party favors and treats to each other! This was definitely the part of the party that Caleb enjoyed the most!

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