Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Caleb Starts Preschool

This September was not only significant for Aidan beginning public school; it was also significant for Caleb starting preschool. After dropping off Aidan many times at pre-K last year, Caleb was definitely excited to finally have his turn to go to school and feel like a big boy. Mommy, however, was not ready to let two boys go that often, so Caleb only attends preschool twice a week. On his first day of preschool, Caleb put on his “Little Einsteins” backpack and lunchbox with pride (that I luckily stumbled across on ebay) and happily headed outside to go to school….in Mommy’s van. Caleb was pretty disappointed to find out that he wasn’t riding the bus with Aidan to preschool, but that instead he would be going to preschool in Mommy’s van (I’m sure he’ll appreciate this Mommy shuttle service to school when it is too late…). Once we arrived at preschool though, he stopped sulking and ran into his classroom, excited to explore and learn.

It has been a month now of Caleb attending preschool and he still loves it! His teacher informs me how much he enjoys doing the various art projects, singing songs, playing in the sandbox, and trying to eat other kids’ lunches when he has finished his own. Unlike Aidan, when I pick Caleb up from preschool, he does not want to go back home, and when we get to the car, he is very excited to tell me all that he did that morning in class using his limited vocabulary – it is very cute to listen to! Even though I miss him while he is gone during those 3 hours, it is really nice to know he is having a great time J

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