About Our Blog

"The Lee Ride" ended up being the title of choice for our family blog. With raising 2 boys, our lives often feel like we are on a wonderful wild ride. We wanted to start this blog to be an blessing to all who read it as we share not only the fun moments, but also some of the bumps we experience on our "ride" as parents. If there was a book written on how to be the perfect parent or how to raise the perfect family then it would be a best seller. Every day Mike and I realize how imperfect we are as parents and people. In addition to feeling flawed in our make-up as parents, life seems to give out no shortage of the worries, burdens, and dreams that can weigh us down and make us feel helpless (especially when we feel responsible for 2 precious little ones). What a relief to know that God is willing to take on all those concerns that burden us and do for us what is best if we trust him!  "Casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you" - 1 Peter 5:7.  So as Christians, it has only been by dedicating our lives and family to the Lord Jesus Christ that we have been able to experience every day with the secure comfort of knowing that whatever we experience as a family and as individuals that the Lord is working his perfect will through us. It is with that faith that we are certain we could not put our trust in anyone better than God to steer our precious family in this ride through life. "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight" - Proverbs 3:5-6.

With that being said, we hope that all of you who care to peek at our blog from time to time will enjoy what we have to share. Every family is different and going through their own "ride", but it is great to find some of those memories and moments that we can share and identify with too :)