Saturday, December 10, 2011

Aidan's Kindergarten Halloween

Of course, during the month of October we can’t forget about the Halloween class parties and school parades. Aidan’s Halloween class party and school parade was held during Caleb’s naptime, so while Caleb napped I went to Aidan’s school to help him into his black Angry Bird costume.  Both Aidan and Caleb’s Angry Bird costumes turned out fitting a bit big on them this year (they were made to be worn by children ages 8 -12 years). Aidan, however, refused to be anything else for Halloween and Caleb always wants to copy his brother, so… to help the costumes fit we bought a lot of packing peanuts to stuff them with to improve the fit.  I showed up early at Aidan’s school to help stuff him into his costume.

He looked really cute, and loved showing his “Angry Bird face” for the class picture.

I didn’t realize how stuffed he was though in his costume until his teacher called out to the students, “Boys and Girls, if you can hear me then clap your hands three times!” I then heard Aidan cry out to his teacher, “I can’t clap my hands together!” It was pretty funny! His costume was so stuffed with the packing peanuts that he literally could not bring his hands together to clap. And when the teacher asked the kids to have a seat on the floor, it turned out that he was also so stuffed that he could not easily sit down either! So while the rest of the class sat on the floor, Aidan’s teacher let him sit in a chair while they waited to get ready to line-up for the Halloween school parade.
Aidan’s class along with the other grades marched around the school.

Then they sat in the grass for pictures and to watch the rest of the other grades march by.  It was pretty funny to watch Aidan basically fall backwards in order to achieve sitting in the grass. After the parade came the Halloween class party.
I took Aidan out of his costume during the class party so that he could use his hands to eat the snacks and do the Halloween arts and crafts project. Once the class party was finished, both Aidan and I were excited because instead of needing to ride the bus home, he was allowed to come home with me. Yay!

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