Monday, December 12, 2011

Trick or Treat 2011

This year for trick-or-treating Mike had a surprise for our boys… Usually Mike and I don’t dress up for trick-or-treating with the kids, but this year Mike and I thought it would be funny if we surprised the boys by having him dress up as the King Pig from Angry Birds. So once the boys were all stuffed into their costumes, we had them go outside in front of the house for pictures. Then we had Mike open the door and surprise them dressed as the King Pig:

As we went trick-or-treating from house to house that night, Mike and I were amazed how popular the boys were in their costumes. Everywhere we went, we could hear kids calling out, “Look! Angry Birds!”, “Hi, Black Angry Bird!” Two people stopped us to ask if they could take a picture of Caleb, and a couple of kids randomly came up to Aidan and gave him high fives on his costume. Needless to say, the boys enjoyed the attention. I remember Aidan smiling at me and saying, “Mommy, everyone knows me!”
We also took note that Aidan has reached the age now where he knows that trick-or-treating for candy is all about speed – going from house to house as fast as those little legs would take him.  All night, Mike and I were calling to him to slow down and wait for us. I remember there was a bit of “trick-or-treat congestion” at this one house, and as Aidan was waiting near the end of the line, I heard him yell out in panic, “What’s taking so long? I need to get some candy!”  Even Caleb wouldn’t stop going from house to house when it was clear that he was getting tired and cold. I remember Mike was carrying him, and Caleb was saying, “More house. I want more candy!” So once the kids started handing us their trick-or-treat buckets to carry because they were getting too heavy from the weight of all the candy, that’s when Mike and I told them it was time to go home. Definitely a memorable Halloween night.

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