Sunday, October 2, 2011

Aidan's 1st Day of Kindergarten (afternoon)

I spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon enjoying my one-on-one time with Caleb while anxiously looking at the clock from time to time counting down for when it was time to head back to the bus stop to pick up Aidan. When it was time, I got Caleb ready, grabbed my camera, and asked Dad if he would join me to videotape Aidan coming home off the bus. As we walked to the bus stop together, Caleb kept saying with excitement “Get Aidan bus!” A few minutes later his school bus pulled up, I got the camera ready to take a picture, and…… Ashley ran out yelling to me, “Aidan isn’t on the bus! I didn’t see him come out of the school!” Yes, I started to freak out a little bit (thank goodness Dad hasn’t figured out how to use our video camera yet, although, it would have made for a memorable recording). I quickly asked Dad if he would watch Caleb while I drove to the school to check if Aidan was still there. I was definitely worried that Aidan had either gotten on the wrong bus or was waiting at school upset. On the way, I got a call on my cell phone from the school office informing me that Aidan missed his bus and was waiting for me in the office with his teacher. When I arrived at the school office, Aidan was there looking at the fish in the fish tank. I quickly thanked everyone in the office for keeping an eye on him and we headed home. Caleb greeted Aidan with a big hug when I brought him home. It was very cute to watch. As we all ate a small snack at the table, Aidan basically told me that he missed the bus because he wasn’t paying attention to when they were calling out the bus colors/numbers. After our small snack, we did Aidan’s reading homework, and then I lead the boys downstairs for a surprise that Mike and I had been working on over the summer to give them since they were both starting school….a new office!

On their desks Mike and I also gave each of them a wrapped book that we signed with a message. For dinner that night, mom made one of Aidan’s favorite meals, meatloaf with mashed potatoes. At bedtime, Mike read the new books to the boys. Then we reminded Aidan how important it was to listen at school, especially so that he could get home on his bus. Later that night, I told Mike that it is hard for a teacher to remember the names of all the kids in the class on the first day of school, but I was pretty sure that after today she knew who my kid was. The next day Aidan made it on the bus after school and came home very proud himself!

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