Sunday, October 21, 2012

Aidan loses his 1st Tooth!

Yesterday Aidan lost his first tooth! He and I were doing some math homework in the kitchen and while he was thinking over a problem he fiddled his first tooth right out of his mouth (some kids will do anything to get out of doing homework, heehee!). Before bed, Aidan put his tooth in his glow-in-the-dark tooth fairy box, made the tooth fairy a little meal near his bed (why should Santa Claus be the only one to get some food during his visit he thought), and tucked it under his pillow.
The next morning Mike and I woke to hearing Aidan excitedly calling for Caleb to wake up so he could see what the tooth fairy had left. That awesome tooth fairy left our boy two gold dollar coins (Every child has a different tooth fairy, and Aidan’s happens to give him gold dollar coins) Next thing we knew, Aidan came bursting through our bedroom door waving the gold coins along with a big gaping-hole smile. It was great! Then he ran back to his bed to get the scroll of paper that was also left tied to his tooth fairy box. He climbed back into our bed and had Mike read these two certificates from the tooth fairy:
Then Aidan said that we should celebrate this moment by eating a special breakfast. So Daddy cooked potato pancakes for breakfast to celebrate. Congratulations Aidan on losing your first tooth!

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