Friday, June 1, 2012

Caleb's Toy Story Birthday Party

The last installment for Caleb’s 3rd birthday was his birthday party at the house. Since Caleb had already celebrated his birthday at preschool with his friends, we decided to keep this party on the small side with family and the rest of his friends that he plays with outside of preschool. Caleb has recently been obsessed with watching the movie Toy Story, I think this video proves my point:

So because he is such a fan of the movie, we decided to throw him a Toy Story birthday party.

In addition to the party being Toy Story themed, we were also very excited to surprise Caleb with a pony ride and baby piglets coming to the party.
Since there was no way that the pony and the piglets were going to entertain the kids inside the house, this party obviously had to be an outdoor one. Usually I try to avoid planning outdoor parties because it drives me crazy that I can’t be in control of the weather. So during the week of the party date, Mike and I were checking the weather more than once every day as if it was the stock market or something. Luckily, even though there was a 30% chance of rain that day, we lucked out with sunshine and warm weather. I was so relieved (Can’t imagine what I would’ve been like if I had planned our wedding to be an outdoor one…scary!). Most of the birthday parties we have thrown for the kids have been on the big side, so it was really nice to have a party at the house this time that was small and laid-back where we could just let the kids play and have fun at the different party stations set-up in the backyard.

The piglets definitely out-shined the pony at the party.

Even though all the kids enjoyed going on as many pony rides as they wanted, they all loved interacting with the piglets more (Caleb refused to ride the pony more than twice, because when it trotted it felt rather fast and uncomfortably bumpy for him).

The piglets were only 5 weeks old, and Aidan was thrilled to find out that piglets are hypo-allergenic animals (Aidan is allergic to animal dander). He happily announced to his dad and I that he would like to earn a pet piglet of his own. It was really sweet to see how Aidan was able to get even the squirmiest piglet, Columbus (named because he’s curious and likes to explore), to stay on his lap and play.

Next, came eating at Pizza Planet down in the basement while watching the movie Toy Story. Aidan and Caleb had been watching me slowly decorate the basement into Pizza Planet during the week and were super excited for everyone to see how our basement had transformed!

After the movie, we all went upstairs for cake! And since it was a small party, we were able to surprise the kids with “Swag bags” instead of goody bags. Definitely a cute party for our cute 3rd old!

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