Monday, March 26, 2012

Caleb's Cupcakes

This week our Caleb is turning 3 years old! It is crazy to think that three wonderful years have already gone by since we brought him home from the hospital….Probably what is more crazy is the fact that he is having 3 little celebrations this week for his birthday. The first one is with his class at preschool during lunch time. For this little party I decided to bake chocolate-chocolate chip miniature cupcakes, with a vanilla buttercream frosting, topped with mini M&M’s.

When it comes to cakes, both my boys always choose chocolate cake. I spent some time looking at different chocolate cake recipes on the internet and finally settled on this one for the chocolate cupcakes for Caleb’s preschool: 

After sampling one of the cupcakes, I felt like only 1 cup of mini chocolate chips would have been sufficient for the recipe in order to achieve a chocolate-chip taste for the cupcakes (even ½ cup if you are going for only a hint of meltly chocolate chips within the cupcakes).  For the frosting I chose this recipe:

I ended up only using 3 cups of powdered sugar instead of 4 though (I’m a big fan of Italian meringue frostings thanks to CakeLove cupcakes, so when it comes to any kind of frosting I prefer that it doesn’t taste too sweet). The frosting was definitely good! Light, mildly sweet, and whippy.

Once the cupcakes were frosted, I topped them with some mini M&M’s and headed off to Caleb’s preschool. When Caleb saw me walk in with the cupcakes, he exclaimed, “Mommy, you brought my birthday!” So cute!

The only problem I realized I had today was that there were only 12 kids in Caleb’s class and I made 48 mini cupcakes! Luckily, I managed to give a lot of them away to friends and family, so now we are only left with 17 mini cupcakes to finish before I bake Caleb’s "Cat in the Hat" birthday cake on Wednesday (for his actual birthday). I’m pretty sure I’ll be sick of cake by the end of this week…

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